Series 16                                                    Children’s Medical Services

Physical Description: 

Agency note: In 1929, the Florida Legislature made it possible for the State to create a program that provided for the care and treatment of “crippled” children.  These “crippled” children consisted of any person who was under 17 (in 1947 this changed to 21) years of age and had some sort of medical condition inhibiting their daily functioning.  As part of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the CMS worked to provide these unfortunate children with services that included pediatric examinations, braces, glasses, artificial limbs and much more.  The Children’s Medical Services Network was created in 1978 within the department of Health to provide children with special needs coordinated care statewide.  Dr. Gerold Schiebler, a pediatrician at the University of Florida College of Medicine, served as a strong advocate for the 1970s and 1980s expansion of medical services for children with special needs and continued to advocate successfully for strong statewide pediatric programs.  His work eventually resulted in having the Children’s Medical Services Building on the UF campus named after him.

CMS History

Minutes of Meeting-CMS Administrating/Clinic Building Committee, 6/23/88, Building Plan p. 79

CMS Building Program Continued-p. 83-211, Description of Spaces

CMS Building Program Appendices, p. 212