Series 17 College of Pharmacy Dean’s Office

Series 17             College of Pharmacy Deans Office

Arrangement Note:  Consists of several sub series including papers from the Dean’s Office (1954-1977) and Development and Alumni Office.

 Agency Note: The College of Pharmacy at the University of Florida is the oldest health college, and was opened in 1923 as the School of Pharmacy.  At this time there was no health center and enrolled students took classes in Science Hall.  In 1923 there was  Graduate of Pharmacy Degree (Ph.G), Pharmaceutical Chemist degree (Ph.C.) and B.S. in Pharmacy (B.S. Pharm.).  At that time the school had two departments.   The School of Pharmacy became a College of Pharmacy in 1925and continued to grow.  Groundbreaking for the Pharmacy Wing of the Health Center took place in 1959, and students began classes in the Pharmacy Building in 1961.