Series 5 Medical Center Study
Physical Description: 11 boxes (4.6 linear ft)
Arrangement note: Arranged in blocks concerning pre-, during, and post- study issues.
Agency note: Financed by Commonwealth Fund, the study was undertaken at the University of Florida, using faculty committees, bringing in personnel specifically for the study, and working with outside consultants. Dr. Russell Poor served as director of the study , and Dr. John Maclachlan was chief of Staff and Supervisor of Sociological Studies.
Narrative: The study was a well-planned effort to design a medical center facility that would address current and future health needs of Floridians. Its purpose was to investigate physical plant, administrative organization and functioning of programs of outstanding medical centers and to provide proposals adapting practices to situations and needs in Florida. The end point of the study was the publication of five volumes summarizing results of research on the different areas into which the study had been divided.
Published volumes consist of:
Volume 1- A Summary, by Russell Poor
- Introduction
- Florida’s Need for Medical and Related Education
- Florida Center of Clinical Services: Interdepartmental Cooperation
- Medical Education in a University Setting
- Health Center Units
- Southern Regional Implications and Inter-American Relationships
- Administration, Personnel, Finances, Time Schedule and Principal Recommendations
- Recent developments
Volume II- Florida’s Doctors at Mid-Century by John M. Maclachlan, foreword by William Clark Thomas, Sr.
- Doctors in Florida
- The Age Pattern of Florida’s Doctors
- Florida’s Doctors: Supply and Need
- Florida Students in Medical Schools Outside Florida
- Nonresident Florida Doctors
Volume III- Health and the People in Florida, by John M. Maclachlan
- Introduction
- Population and Health of Florida
- The Growth of Florida Cities
- Racial Trends in Florida
- Other measures of vitality
- Some Health Trends in florida
- The Field Study of Disabling Illness
- The Bradford County Survey
- Some Conclusions
Volume IV- Florida’s Doctors and Nurses by John M. Maclachlan, foreword by C.C. Hillman
- Hospital Facilities in Florida
- Adequacy of State Hospital Resources
- Special Services in Florida Hospitals
- Health Team Training Facilities in Florida
- Florida’s Nurses
Volume V- Medical Education in the University, ed. By Louis J. Maloof
- Meeting the need for Medical and Related Education
- Animal Nutrition, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Electronics, and Entomology
- Human nutrition, Mathematics, Chemistry, Economics, Electronics, and Entomology.
- Plant Nutrition, Plant Pathology, Psychology, Public Health Engineering, Sociology and Anthropology, soils, Speech, and Veterinary Medicine
- Graduate Education, Cancer Research, Gerontology, Library, Organized Research, Radioisotopes, and Statistical Laboratory
- Clinical Services: An Example of Interdepartmental Cooperation
- Health Center Colleges and Infirmary: Medicine and Related Matters, Nursing, Pharmacy and Dentistry.
- The University and Medical Education
History: Medical education in Florida- In 1945, Governor Caldwell’s Citizens Committee on Education began a comprehensive study and survey of education in Florida. The Committee filed its report in 1947, and reached a conclusion that a medical school should be located at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The report was preliminary and later that year the legislature authorized a survey and investigation and report on the establishment of a medical and dental school in Florida. The Board of Control and State Board of Education appointed a committee to make the survey in 1948, appointing Dr. Vernon Lippard to direct the study. The Lippard Report, as it came to be known, was filed on February 1, 1949. It recommended siting the medical school in Gainesville, at the University of Florida. The 1949 legislature passed a bill designating Gainesville as the site for the State Medical School. Three representatives from cities fighting for the location of the school tried to amend and nullify the bill, but were unsuccessful. They did, however, introduce an amendment that no moneys should be appropriated at that term of the legislature. Three counties: Dade, Duval, and Hillsborough, continued to contest the Gainesville site, but overall support was in favor of situating the medical school in Gainesville and near the university. Miami, however, never accepted the primacy of Gainesville, and struggled to create and accredit a medical school before Gainesville. In 1951 the legislature passed a bill appropriating $100,000 for the purpose of creating plans. Unwilling to spend this money to fund the study, UF applied for a grant from the Commonwealth Fund. In response to concerns about the likelihood of Gainesville as the site, and about U. of Miami’s opening a school with utmost rapidity UF prepared a brief that emphasized the finality of the decision. While Miami might open a School of Medicine, the plans for Gainesville were to open an entire health center with a number of colleges. In March of 1952, Dr. William C. Thomas, Sr. of Gainesville questioned physicians on the State Association Board of Governors and determined that all felt the need for a state supported medical school in Florida, and all but two felt Gainesville was a good location. The University of Florida, under J. Hillis Miller, undertook and extensive study in order best to plan the health center complex.
Study Chronology. Ibegan: June 1, 1952, with Dr. John C. Maclachlan appointed Chief of Staff and Supervisor of Sociological Studies. On June 15 personnel were appointed to the sociological studies group. From June 23-28 Dr. Russell Poor consulted with the United States Public Health Service and the United States Office of Education and with the chairmen of the Faculty Research Committees. He arrived to begin work on the study on June 30.
Research directors and committees were organized from July 7-23 and were comprised of:
July 7- Arts and Sciences- Dr. Arnold B. Grobman
Architecture- Mr. Jefferson M. Hamilton
July 8- Radioisotope Facility- Dr. George K. Davis
July 9- Paramedical Clinical Services- Dr. Darrell J. Mase, Supervisor
July 11- Administrative Studies- Dr. R.S. Pooor and Dr. J.M. Maclachlan
July 12- Medical Library- Stanley J. West and Miss Lora-Francis Davis
July 14- Electrical Engineering- Dean Joseph Weil, Supervisor
July 15- Electronics- Mr. Paul H. Nelson, Director
The first executive committee meeting was held July 25-26 during which there was discussion of basic policies.
The first progress report was due August 1.
August 10-14 Dr. George T. Harrell and Dr. John E. Ivey (8/14 only) served as consultants, discussing the study with Miller, Poor, Maclachlan, and the consulting architect, Jefferson Hamilton.
August 24-27- Dr. George T. Harrell, Dr. Ernest W. Goodpasture, and Dr. William Sanger came for consultation.
September 4, Dr. John Ivey, Director, Southern Regional Medical Board- worked on preplanning for Medical Advisory Committee Meeting and second meeting of Executive committee
October, 12 1952- Medical advisory committee meeting
October 15-16 Meeting of executive committee of the medical center study
March 1953 Medical Center Study completed.
April, 1953 Legislature appropriated $5,000,000 for College of Medicine and College of Nursing Building.
August, 1953 Provost for Health Center appointed
Summer, 1953 Final report- published
January, 1954 George T. Harrell appointed as first Dean of the College of Medicine.
Progress reports were submitted in the following areas:
MCS comprised of component studies; Administrative (Russell Poor and John Maclachlan); Architectural (Jefferson M. Hamilton); Engineering Studies (Joseph Weil)- Environmental Research Studies, Sanitary(John E. Kiker) and Mechanical (Paul H. Nelson) & Electronic Instrumentation Study (Paul H. Nelson); Curricula, Professional & Medical Pre-professional Education Study (Ralph E. Page & Arnold B. Grobman); Radioisotope Facility Studies (George K. Davis); Relationship of auxiliary clinical services to medicine (Darrel J. Mase and Edward Penson); Sociological studies (John M. Maclachlan and Irving Webber)
Study visualized medical center as composed of a number of interrelated units, each with an essential role in its program. The professional schools, the hospital facilities and outpatient divisions, clinics such as those composing the present Florida Center of Clinical Services, the programs of in-service training and extension teaching, the research divisions to be established in cooperation with other branches of the University, as well as other units still to be envisioned, would have equal status as component parts of the Center.
Medical Advisory Committee reporting in October of 1952
William Sanger, Medical College of Virginia
George T. Harrell- Bowman-Gray Medical School
John E. Ivey- Consultant from Southern Regional Medical Board
Dr. Ernest W. Goodpasture- Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Executive Committee (as of 1954)-
John E. Deitrick, MD, Professor, Jefferson Medical College
William W. Frye, MD, Dean, LA State U. School of Medicine
George T. Harrell, Research Professor of Medicine, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem
John E. Ivey, PhD, Director, Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GA
William T. Sanger, PhD, President, Medical College of VA
Maurice F. Saay, PhD, Chairman, Department of Education, U. of Chicago
Robert L. Sutherland, PhD, Director, Hogg Foundation for Mental Hygiene, U. of Texas, Austin
Biographical note: Russell Poor, b Mo, 3/10/1899, married 1927. BS U. Ill 1923, MS U. Ill 1925, PhD U.Ill. 1927. Dean Graduate School, Alabama Polytech 1944-49, Chairmain University relations, Oak Ridge, 1949-1953 Director, Medical Center Study, 1952-53, Provost (position is now known as Vice President for Health Affairs) JH Miller Health Center 1954-1961.
Contents note: The Medical Center Study papers contain volumes of the published study, correspondence with consultants and various committee members, news clippings on medical news of the day, progress reports, the complete reports and critiques of the completed reports as well as personnel information and material on the early study structure. There also are articles from the Florida Alumnus on the study, its recommendations, the first dean of the College of Medicine and the early faculty.
Series 5 Folder Listing
Box 1
Early Planning-MCS-HC History
Early Planning-Basic Considerations-MCS 1950
Early Planning-Chronological Order-Events MCS Study UF beginning June 1, 1952
Early Planning-Revised Memorandum on Requirements for the Florida State Medical Center Oct. 18, 1950
Early Planning-Medical Center Study Preliminary Organization
Early Planning-Organization, Medical Center Study Chart
Early Planning-Editorial (Published in Gainesville Sun 1952)
Early Planning-Medical Education in the State of Florida
Early Planning-Medical Sciences Building
Early Planning-Medical Advisory Committee
Early Planning-Executive Committee
Early Planning-Location Studies
Early Planning-HCS Chronologies
Early Planning-Brief for Commonwealth Fund
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Medical Advisory Committee Minutes, Topics, Programs, Miscellaneous
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Correspondence With Medical Advisory Committee Members
Box 2
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Brown, Dr. Francis J.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Brucer, Marshall, M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Countiss, Dr. Eugene H.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Cuttino, John T. M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Davison, W.C.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Dietrick, Dr. John E.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Frye, William W., M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Goodpasture, Ernest W.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Hart, William M., M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Hildreth, Harold M.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Hollis, Dr. Ernest V.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Hudson, Dr. N. Paul
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Hyman, O.W., Ph.D
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Ivey, Dr. John E., Jr.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Kelly, G. Lombard, M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Lippard-Maclean Correspondence
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Walter J. Meek, M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Miller, J. Hillis, President
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Mildred E. Newton, D.Ed. in Nursing
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Pankratz, D.S., M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Jesse D., Jr., M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Pinkston, James O.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Poor, Russell S. (General)
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Proger, Samuel, M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Sanger, William Thomas
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Seay, Maurice F.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Severinghaus, Aura E.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Stephenson, Hugh E., Jr., M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Sutherland, Robert L.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Biographical Sketches
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Dr. Ernest W. Goodpasture: Letter, 9/2/52, Biographical Sketch
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Consultants to Campus Schedules, Duplicate
Box 3
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Commonwealth Fund, Correspondence 1951-1952
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Copies of Letter to Malcolm P. Aldrich, President Commonwealth Fund, June 24, 1952 From J.H. Miller, President, University of Florida
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Medical Center Study, 1952-1953 Correspondence (Alphabetical)
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Medical Center Study-Letters from Med. School Deans, Etc.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Executive Committee-Membership List
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Executive Committee General Correspondence (Consultants)
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Exec. Comm. MCS Agenda July 25-26, 1952
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Exec. Com. MCS, Minutes July 25-26, 1952
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Exec. Comm. MCS, Agenda October 15-16, 1952
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Exec. Comm. MCS Minutes, October 15-16, 1952
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Faculty Comm. Original Recommendations
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Faculty Committee (Original) for Medical Center Study
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Various Letters to Faculty Research Committee
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Representatives, Florida State Health and Welfare Agencies
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Florida State Board of Health Wilson T. Sowder, M.D.
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Interviews, Dr. Maclachlan
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Meeting of Nurses-January 8, 1953 MCS with Mildred E. Newton, Consultant
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Report of the Dean of Nursing to Board of Visitors, September 12, 1952
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Attendance Medical Center Study Review Session (1/26/53) and Third Annual Conference on Gerontology
Biog. Sketches Correspondence-Correspondence with Various University Departments
Box 4
Personnel-Duplicate Copies-Appointments and Resignations (Consultant and General)
Personnel-Appointments (General)
Personnel-Medical Center Study Budget 1952-1953
Personnel-Travel-Faculty Research Members 1952-53
Personnel-Travel Schedules, August, September, October 1952
Info for Study-Dental Health Program for the Community
Info For Study-Freshman Med. Students (Residence of US and Canada)
Info for Study-Gainesville’s Community Resources
Info For Study-Group Practice
Info for Study-Hill Burton Program
Info for Study-Internships
Info for Study-Medical Care: The Ideal Plan
Info for Study-Medical Care for minority Groups: Negroes, Indians, Mexicans, etc.
Info for Study-Medical Care Team-Medical Service Personnel
Info for Study-MC Planning, Hosp., Cons., Services, Admin.
Info for Study-Medical Center, Regional Organization of Hospitals
Info for Study-Medical Educational Groups (National)
Info for Study-Medical Licensing Boards
Box 5
Info for Study-Medical Schools: Affiliated with Universities
Info for Study-Medical Schools, Short-Short Courses
Info for Study-Medical Schools, Students other than Medical
Info for Study-Middle and South American Relationships
Info for Study-Negro Medical Students
Info for Study-New Medical Schools
Info for Study-Nursing Education
Info for Study-Pharmacists, Dentists, Optometrists
Info for Study-Preventive Medicines
Info for Study-Public Health Services
Info for Study-Quality of Medical Care and Medical Schools
Info for Study-Rehabilitation
Info for Study-Rural Areas Medical Needs
Info for Study-Social Studies, Importance of Sociology, etc in med.
Info for Study-Specialization
Info for Study-Student Tuition Fees
Info for Study-Teaching Staff Vacancies
Info for Study-Veteran and non-veteran Students, Enrollment by Classes
Info for Study-Medical Education, Current Periodicals
Info for Study-Medical Teaching and Study
Info for Study-Nursing Education
Info for Study-Public Health Education
Info for Study-Sociology and Medical Economics
Info for Study- Women in Medicine
Thomas Letter-Letters to Members of FMA (from Dr. Thomas)
Thomas Letter-Questions and Answers re Proposed Med. Center Sent to FMA with Thomas Letter February 1953
Thomas Letter-Returned Questions and Answers (Thomas Letter)
Thomas Letter-Returned Questions and Answers (Thomas Letter)
Thomas Letter-Returned Questions and Answers (Thomas Letter)
Reports and Progress Reports-Medical Center Study, Latin America
Reports and Progress Reports-Medical and Science Newsclippings 1952
Reports and Progress Reports-Architectural Study
Box 6
Reports and Progress Reports-Environmental Study (Sanitary Engineering)
Reports and Progress Reports-Memorandums (interdepartmental)
Reports and Progress Reports-Engineering Research, General
Reports and Progress Reports-Electronic Instrumentation
Reports and Progress Reports-Environmental Study, Mechanical engineering
Reports and Progress Reports-Relationship of Paramedical Clinical Services to medicine
Reports and Progress Reports-Sociological Study
Reports and Progress Reports-Medical Pre-Professional Training Studies
Reports and Progress Reports-Radioactive Isotope Research
Reports and Progress Reports-Florida’s Growth part I
Reports and Progress Reports-The University in Medicine: A Proposal, An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Cooperation 10/24/54
Reports and Progress Reports-The University in Medicine (2): A Proposal, University of Florida (Early Copies)
Box 7
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Reports Complete Mimeo Set
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report I
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report II Misc. Single Copies of HCS Fall (all other Copies Destroyed)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Reports III Engineering Research-Env. Study
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Reports III-Env. Studies, Mechanical Engineering (Duplicate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report III, Env. Studies Duplicate (Sanitary Engineering)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report III Radioisotope Facility Study (Duplicate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report III: Relationship of Paramedical Clinical Services to Medicine (Duplicate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report III: Sociological Studies (Duplicdate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report III: Medical Pre-Professional Training Studies (duplicate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Electronic Instrumentation Study-Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Environmental Studies-Duplicate (Sanitary Engineering)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Engineering Research Env. Study Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Env. Studies-Mechanical Engineering Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Medical Pre-Professional Training Studies (duplicate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Radioisotope facility Study, Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Relationship of Paramedical Clinical Services to Medicine (Duplicate)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report IV: Sociological Studies Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Electronic Instrumentation Study: Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Environmental Studies (Sanitary Engineering) Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Engineering Research-Duplicate (Env. Study)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Env. Studies-OUP (Mechanical engineering)
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Medical Pre-Professional Training Studies-Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Radioisotope Facility Study-Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Relationship of Paramedical clinical Services to Medicine – Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report V: Sociological Studies Duplicate
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report VI: Public Health Related engineering studies related to medical Science
Reports and Progress Reports-Progress Report VI: Relationship of Paramedical Clinical Services to Medicine
Box 8
Medical Center Study- Final Report, Vol. 1, Ch. 1 early draft with comments
Medical Center Study-Human Life Foundation Chart with JHM quote
Medical Center Study-Program: UF vs. Citadel 10/17/53
Medical Center Study-Florida Alumnus-Loose Articles
Medical Center Study-Florida Alumnus
Medical Center Study-Press Releases
Medical Center Study-Letters Re: Distribution of Part I-Summer Report 3/53
Medical Center Study-Mailing List
Medical Center Study-Chart, U. Integrated Programs and Services
Medical Center Study-Harrell Comments and Writings
Medical Center Study-Draft Material
Medical Center Study-Original Statements submitted for draft of MCS Final Report
Medical Center Study Final Report-Medical Library Survey-L.F. Davis-White, Postell Library Recommendations
Medical Center Study Final Report-Volume I Appendix, Dr. Thomas’ Letters, questions and Answers
Medical Center Study Final Report-Volume I, Appendix “Representative List of Persons Interviewed”
Medical Center Study-Volume I, Appendix (Address by President Miller)
Medical Center Study Final Report- Paramedical Clinical Services, Appendix
Medical Center Study Final Report-Sociological Studies, HCS
Medical Center Study-Miscellaneous
Box 9
The University in Medicine: A Proposal by the University of Florida
Medical Center Study: Part I, Summary Report, March 2, 1953
Medical Center Study Final Report-“Radioisotopes Facility”, Appendix
Medical Center Study Final Report-Appendix-Courses now offered at the University of Florida-Medical School Curriculum
Medical Center Study Final Report-Report of the Director, Part 1: Summary
Medical Center Study Final Report-The University in Medicine-A Proposal, University of Florida
Medical Center Study Final Report-Outlines
Medical Center Study Final Report-Volume 1
Medical Center Study Final Report-Health and the People of Florida
Medical Center Study Final Report-Florida’s Doctors at Mid-century: A State’s Medical Profession
Box 10
Medical Center Study Final Report-Volume 5 (Folder one)
Medical Center Study Final Report-Volume 5 (Folder Two)
Medical Center Study Final Report-Health Center Education and Services
Medical Center Study Final Report-The Relationship of the Florida Center of Clinical Services to the Health Center
Medical Center Study Final Report-General
Medical Center Study Final Report-Volume 5
Medical Center Study Final Report-Final Progress Report on the Editing and Publication of the Medical Center Study Series
Medical Study Final Report-Publication-Final Report
Box 11
MCS and UF-UF map
MCS and UF-Statistical Laboratory
MCS and UF-Student Health Department
MCS and UF-UF Cancer Research Laboratory-MCS
MCS and UF-Library-MCS
MCS and UF-Pharmacy, College of
MCS and UF-Business Manager-UF
MCS and UF-UF Study of the Superior Student
MCS and UF-UF Press-Catalog of Books
Follow up HCS Study- (Proposed) Follow up Study Medical Center Study
Follow up HCS Study-HCS Staff
Follow up HCS Study-HCS Travel
Follow up HCS Study-Payroll, HCS 1956
Follow up HCS Study-Advisory Committee HCS-1956 Committee
Follow up HCS Study-HCS Budget, Proposed 1956-57
Copy of 5 volumes, published MCS Study
Box 12 (Larger Box)
3-ring Binder with Final Draft of Medical Center Study
Compensation of Medical Practice-Med Center Study
Medical Center Study-Financial Considerations